CircuLaw The Netherlands aims to become fully circular by 2050. CircuLaw and their partners encourage policy makers to make circular choices at work: providing a platform with relevant information, with communities of practice and workshops. CircuLaw approached...
Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation Half of the Netherlands is used by the livestock industry. This means there is insufficient space for homes and nature. In addition, we struggle with nitrogen, greenhouse gases and diseases that transmit from animals to humans. The...
Gardener Personal work. I created the sketch for this illustration a while ago, but I still wanted to see him moving! I animated the droplet and feet in Procreate, the rest in After Effects. Personal work. I created the sketch for this illustration a while ago, but I...
Energie in het OV The electricity grid around cities is overloaded, which hinders development. This overload can be solved by using the electricity grid intended for public transportation. Strukton Group and Innovatief Vastgoed have approached Clarify to help them...
Cazas Wonen Two housing associations in ‘het Groene Hart’ have merged into one: Cazas Wonen. Cazas Wonen approached Clarify to help them explain this change and create understanding among residents. The illustration style is based on the visual language of the Cazas...